I had the chance to meet Matthew Zachary a few years back at the ePharma Summit in NYC. I’ll always remember being in awe of him playing his piano up on stage and then flawlessly talking about his patient journey and his path in patient advocacy. (Peep photo in the cover image of this post!) He inspired me back then to step up my game!
It was an honor to sit down and talk to him on his Out of Patients podcast.

On today’s show, we welcome Julie Croner, Vice President of the Patient Leader Network at WEGO Health. Julie is a rare disease activist who has been educating and empowering patients for more than a decade with tools to better advocate for themselves and others. She and I met a while ago at one of those spectacularly stupid Pharma conferences where tokenism reigns supreme. These are the conferences where they ask patients to share their story FOR FREE—that’s right, NO compensation for time or value, because that’s their way. At the time, I was one of those suckers who did just that: Gave away the store that was my patient experience for free so the private sector could go off and make a fortune off the disenfranchised backs of patients. The upside? I got to meet Julie Croner. Julie knew better, so she went ahead and took up the charge at WEGO Health, which we’ll learn about on the show.
I’d love for you to check out this episode! And if not, you may be interested in a previous episode where he interviewed John Tesh.
Side note- I love John Tesh. If you follow me on Spotify, you’ll see I often play (and jam out to) John Tesh: Live At Red Rocks
Wishing You A Pain Free Day