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Psoriasis and Hair Dressers | Flourishing Follicles

Visiting a Hairdresser or Barber when you have Psoriasis

Living with psoriasis can often be embarrassing. Many of those who live with this condition have an impulse to cover up and hide the psoriasis any chance they get. However, there are certain situations where this is quite hard and almost impossible to do, such as when visiting a hairdresser or a barber. If psoriasis has spread to your scalp, then making a trip to the hairdresser or barber can cause anxiety due to what the professional will say and think about the condition. Here are some tips for you about how to handle visiting the hairdresser or barber while living with psoriasis. Now we will look at psoriasis and hair dressers and what you can do to relieve that anxiety.

Don’t be Embarrassed or Afraid

First and most important, do not be embarrassed or afraid. Psoriasis is a condition that you develop by no fault of your own. Having this condition does not make you dirty or undeserving of a haircut. It simply makes you a human being. There is no shame in having a condition that you have no control over, and you should not allow it to get in your way of living your life and being happy.

Be up Front with the Salon

Be sure to mention your psoriasis right away when you make the appointment. This is for the benefit of the salon and your own benefit as well. It might help decrease your anxiety if you know that the salon employees are aware of your condition and do not care. Also, this will allow time for the salon workers to understand what psoriasis is if they did not originally know.

Apply Treatment the Night before the Appointment

Be sure to treat your psoriasis the night before your appointment, to help decrease the amount of flakes and plaque that will be visible. If you use medicated shampoo, consider using this before your appointment to help lessen the effect of your psoriasis and its appearance. This may also relieve anxiety as well. Knowing that your psoriasis was just treated, and its appearance will be less severe, might allow you to relax while getting your hair done.

Be Honest with the Hairdresser or Barber

When you get to your appointment, be honest with the hairdresser or barber and explain your condition to the person, especially if he or she is not familiar with it. Explain what you are comfortable doing and what your scalp might be too sensitive to take, such as extreme heat while blow drying. Never allow your condition to embarrass you to the point that you do not tell the hairdresser something crucial about your scalp. If you are paying for this appointment, you should be able to enjoy it just like everyone else, no matter if you have psoriasis or not.

Be Honest with Yourself

Once you have finished your appointment, be honest with yourself. Did you like the hairdresser and how he or she treated your scalp? It’s okay to try another salon if you do not feel comfortable at this one. If you are not satisfied, try looking for a salon that specializes or advertises their experience in dealing with psoriasis on the scalp. Going to a place where you will not have to explain yourself or your condition might put you at ease and allow you to relax and enjoy your service, just like you should.


Getting a haircut should be a relaxing and fun experience for everyone. Having psoriasis should not decrease your ability to lead a normal life, and that includes getting a haircut. Explaining and being honest about your condition can help relieve your anxiety and help to properly inform your hairdresser about the truths and myths that surround psoriasis. The important thing is to go to a salon or barber shop where you feel welcomed and where you can enjoy your appointment instead of worrying about the psoriasis.

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